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Advertising Services by

  1. Content Placement Content placement is a service where we publish content provided by the client.

Suitable for those who have their own content writers and seek high flexibility in the type of content they wish to publish.

  1. Sponsored Reviews Sponsored reviews entail the creation of content by our team based on the client’s brief and preferred writing style.

Ideal for those without their own content writers and looking to create engaging content for the readers of

Terms and Conditions: Content Placement & Sponsored Reviews

Articles are focused on being educational/informative rather than hard-selling, as overly promotional content tends to be less appealing to audiences. The article theme can be discussed and reviewed together. The articles will include a “Tag” at the end, indicating that it is a paid content placement/review. This is to maintain transparency as a media platform. Links within the article that direct to the client’s website will be marked with rel=”sponsored” as per Google’s guidelines if there is any payment from external sites for link placement. Contact Us For further information, please reach out to us.